
Friday, November 04, 2011

The Flood

(Image source:

So say, oh stranger, why you come to my door?
The flood has had its way with me, I have no more.

I swim to you thirsty, I swim to your skin,
I wade through time, to be born again within.

I am bare inside, as I am out, perchance the water washed my soul away,
Will my heart love again? I doubt; O how I doubt.

I inch my way up the curves and the dips, tears in my voice quiver in your lips,
In silence I hear your dreams - they shout, 'Come to my fire and then put it out!'

Oh, traitor dreams, how you show yourself! she thinks and she smiles,
Says,'But you think all wrong!' she lies, she denies.

Unheeding, he unclaps her binds; his sinews ache, her body finds
wet love in the longings of her sigh; 'I want to reach out, to taste you and die.'

She sweats and she cries, she lets her passions flow,
Her coy breaks - like the village dam (not so long ago)

And it floods again, sweeping him away, engulfed in her lust, he pants, he tries
...And in the vortex of time and love, she feels joy and blessings from above.

Next morning sees the sun again, but he is gone long,
but in her heart there is new love, in her heart, a new song.

Co-written with @bangdu


  1. It rose to a crescendo and left at a hopeful note. How would it be if the stranger is to come back (willingly or unconsciously) after a few years? Just got me thinking...

  2. Passionate..! the kind that doesn't look for any thing in return.. and the poem is like a ballad telling a beautiful story!

  3. Beautiful. The tempo rose nicely. There could be stories woven around this theme.

  4. Verses bubbling with passion, join a net forum of poets, your work will rain accolades....

  5. Thankyou, dear people. I shall duly pass on the compliments to the co-author.
